Stories of Hope
To better understand the impact of bone marrow failure, we present stories told by the patients, parents, family members, and spouses who are living with these illnesses. Our entire community benefits from the insightful stories patients and family members share with us about their personal journeys.
Barry Parnas
MDS-My Far! By Barry Parnas
Precious Mathabatha
Precious Conquers Aplastic Anemia, a Story from South Africa
Sara Scotti
Sara Faces Down Aplastic Anemia
Sarah Nesheim
Young Minnesotan Opens Up About Dual Diagnosis and Emphasizes Emotional Wellness
Valerie Diaz
Faith and a fully matched sibling help beat back severe aplastic anemia
Paige Cranwell
Paige Cranwell: "My Half-Match Miracle"
Bridget Daw
Aplastic Anemia and Treatment-Related Complications Influence Career Choice
Sherry Pratt
Patient Trusts Her Instincts in Finding the Right Treatment
Jane Biehl, PhD
I Was Alone With MDS Until I Connected With Others on Social Media
John Vasquez, Part 1
In Treatment at NIH